

The public is invited to all meetings of the Council and its committees. Meeting dates/agendas are posted on the State's Public Calendar here.

DAPE Council -- The Council meets on the second Wednesday of each month. Meetings are currently being held via Zoom. When we return to in person meetings, locations rotate in each of the three counties in Delaware, to provide an opportunity for the members of the Association to attend.

There are ten standing committees established by the bylaws, with specific assigned tasks. Additionally, the President of Council may appoint Ad-Hoc Committees to consider specific issues. Chairs of committees must be Council members and are appointed by the President of Council. DAPE members are encouraged to participate in DAPE activities by volunteering their service on committees.

Executive Committee -- Comprised of the officers of DAPE, this committee meets monthly prior to the Council meeting to discuss agenda items, to determine policy for consideration of Council, and is responsible for the management of Association property

Examining Committee -- This committee meets the last Wednesday of each month to review applications for licensure. This committee is also responsible for the administration of pencil and paper exams. A significant portion of the meeting is held in Executive Session, as the primary purpose of the Committee is to review the credentials of applicants for licensing. Other topics are discussed in Open Session.

Law Enforcement/Ethics Committee -- The Law Enforcement/Ethics Committee meets the first Wednesday of each month. This committee's prime responsibility is to investigate any written or oral complaints by an identified complainant and provide a recommendation to Council for action. The majority of this meeting is held in Executive Session to discuss current investigations in enforcement matters. Other topics are discussed in Open Session.

External Affairs Committee -- This committee is tasked with working with organizations, agencies or groups other than professional engineers in the interest of the profession.

Employee Compensation and Benefits Committee .- This committee is charged with annually reviewing employee job descriptions, and employee evaluations.

Facilities Committee -- This Committee is responsible for the equipment and services of the DAPE office.

Finance Committee -- This Committee is charged with overseeing the annual audit and administering the financial well-being of the organization; studying and reporting to Council on fees; preparing the annual budget; and insuring sufficient bonding and insurance levels are maintained.

Government Affairs/Bylaws Committee -- This combined committee serves as the liaison with government. It is also tasked with the review and proposed revisions of the Association bylaws and law.

Public Information Committee -- The function of this committee is to report Council actions to the membership of DAPE, etc. The committee is primarily responsible for publication of the "DAPE News," and educating the public on the engineering profession and DAPE.

Nominating Committee -- The Chair of this Committee, appointed by the President of Council, represents a category which is not being contested in a Council election. If petitions are not received for all contested Council seats, the Nominating Committee shall nominate sufficient consenting members of the Association to complete the ballot.